Legal Aspects of Operating E-shops in the Slovak Republic

Štefan ŽákMária Hasprová


The main goal of the paper is to define the legal framework for the operation of eshops and their mandatory documentation and to identify the limitations associated with the legislative regulation of the operation of eshops in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. The theoretical framework of the article deals with the issue of ebusiness and ecommerce, the principle of operation of eshops and especially the legal framework of eshop operation in Slovakia. The empirical part of the paper is focused on the presentation of selected results of the author’s research study examining the legislative restrictions on the construction and operation of eshops. The paper results in a discussion on the application of selected problem areas in the practice of Slovak eshops.


Eshop, Personal data protection, GDPR, Ecommerce


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Žák, Š. & Hasprová, M. (2022). Legal Aspects of Operating E-shops in the Slovak Republic. In: 22nd International Joint Conference Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment. Proceedings. Oeconomica Publishing House, Praha.

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