Level of Enterprise Risk Management in SMEs – Case study Czech Republic

Lenka Syrová


Paper is focusing on assessment of the current level of Enterprise risk management (ERM) in SMEs in Czech Republic and evaluates the determinants for implementing the ERM. The primarydata was collected by questionnaire survey conducted in 2021, the sample size was 296. The paper employs Latent Class Analysis to segment classes, Tukey’s test to identify significant differences across classes with respect to firm size, firm age, and percentage of foreign capital. The results show the relatively low level of ERM in SMEs. The level of ERM is influenced positively by the company’s size, the percentage of foreign capital and negatively with firm age. The level of foreign capital in SMEs in the Czech Republic is affected by the postcommunist regime. To the best of our knowledge, no similar study in the field of ERM in SMEs has been conducted in Czech Republic and surrounding countries.

Keywords: Enterprise Risk Management, Czech Republic SMEs, Latent Class Analysis, Foreign capital in SMEs



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Syrová, L. (2022). Level of Enterprise Risk Management in SMEs – Case study Czech Republic. In: 22nd International Joint Conference Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment. Proceedings. Oeconomica Publishing House, Praha. https://doi.org/0.18267/pr.2022.kre.2454.10


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