Category: Proceedings 2023

Greenwashing knowledge as a determinant of consumer engagement in greenwashed word of mouth

Małgorzata Budzanowska-Drzewiecka – Anita Proszowska Abstract With the growth of green marketing, greenwashing practices have emerged. These practices cause green scepticism among consumers, who may share information on these misleading pro-environmental marketing practices with others. Such informal communication has been called greenwashed word of mouth (WOM). The study extends the understanding of greenwashed WOM by […]

Collaborative market-driving strategy in destination tourism: A systematic literature review

Herman Mahendra Abeykoon Abstract This article presents a systematic literature review of studies on collaborative destination tourism marketing strategy and the implementation of market-driven and market-driving strategies related to market orientation. The review considered 104 selected articles published between 2007 and 2022 in 20 leading journals across the tourism and marketing/management categories, out of a […]

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